What Are The Profound Reasons Behind Early Pregnancy Cramping?

Dr Elsa Gynaecologist in Dubai
1 min readAug 12, 2022


cramping in early pregnancy

Pregnancy cramps are a sign that helps your body prepare to carry the baby and gear you up for the changes. Cramps in early pregnancy are caused by the expansion of the uterus, which causes the ligaments and muscles supporting the uterus to stretch.

major causes of cramping in early pregnancy.

  1. Implantation: Feeling similar to menstrual cramps, it is caused by the implantation of the embryo into the wall of the womb.
  2. Body changes: In order to make changes and adjust your baby, the body is stretched and is flooded with hormones leading to cramps.
  3. Intestinal symptoms: Gas and bloating are another cause of cramps because hormones slow your digestion process and increase the pressure to grow in the uterus.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy: If there is a condition like ectopic pregnancy where the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus, the situation can lead to excessive cramps.
  5. Uterus growth: As the uterus is stretched, it leads to an extension of the muscles and ligaments, resulting in a growing uterus and increased abdominal cramps.

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Dr Elsa Gynaecologist in Dubai

Dr Elsa , Best Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Dubai offers healthcare services for women