What are pregnancy cravings? A minor hoax or a major scenario!

One of the most body-transforming experiences you will ever hear from a woman is pregnancy, during which almost every part of their body changes in one or another way. Apart from body changes, a woman tends to suffer from different appetite differences, resulting in major food cravings during the pregnancy period.
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With most people gagging about the cravings of pregnant women, there is a stereotype built that states a pregnant woman craves pickles, ice cream, and similar products. The main question is whether it is just a stereotype or a reality.
Let’s take a closer look at it and hear what Dr Elsa, a Female Gynaecologist in the UAE, has to say. In general, food cravings are the sudden urges to eat items like ice cream, pickles, chocolates, sweets, and so on. As per the considerations of doctors, the reason why food cravings occur during pregnancy is still not discovered. The only said reason for cravings can be related to something lacking in the diet, a minor deficiency in vitamins and minerals, or just a normal urge to have the food they like or dislike.
In addition to food cravings during pregnancy, there are cases where women develop an unexpected dislike for foods they used to love as well as foods they used to avoid.
“Is this the real thing or a fake story?”
Definitely yes, food cravings during pregnancy are a real thing that may or may not affect a woman expecting a baby. As all pregnant women are different, there are cases reported where some women experience cravings so strong that it is nearly impossible to give up. On the other hand, there are some women who do not crave it at all.
When it comes to pregnancy cravings, the most common cravings land on eating sweets, carbohydrates, high-calorie food items, animal proteins, fruits, and others. As per doctors, it is normal for pregnant women to crave odd combinations of different favourite foods, like ice cream and pickles.
It is advised to control your cravings, eat everything in moderation, and be wary of pregnancy cravings that may land you into non-food items. As per doctors, a pregnant woman is more likely to experience the urge to eat non-food items and land in a condition known as “Pica.” It is a health condition where a person craves non-food items like dirt, clay, ice cubes, plants, ashes, metal objects, fabrics, coffee grounds, soaps, etc. Landing in this situation can cause some major irritation and damage you and your child in the womb.
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The best of all to do is indulge yourself in treating little cravings, consume in moderation, and try to balance the calories by following a proper schedule. Follow the below-mentioned schedule to balance your Diet in Pregnancy.
- Start your day with a nutritious breakfast.
- Drink water
- Avoid snack items.
- Once or twice a week, serve yourself a small treat.
- Limit the less nutritious cravings and get rid of them.
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