Not All Miscarriages Are the Same: Here are Different Types of Pregnancy Loss that Happen.
A miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is one of the most heartbreaking things to deal with, no matter when it happens. For an expecting mother and her family, things turn upside down, flooded with hundreds of emotions. In the majority of the cases, miscarriage occurs before 20 weeks affecting around 15 to 20 percent of women. But this is not just the end; instead, there are other times as well when miscarriages can happen.
Must Read : Miscarriage: A Guide to Women
As per Dr. Elsa, a Specialist for Miscarriage in Dubai, there are different stages of pregnancy, increasing the risks of different types of miscarriages that happen to result in different symptoms. Whether you are the one expecting or the one planning to expect, it is important that you have knowledge about the consequences and the symptoms that can help you identify them.
Below are some different types of miscarriages that you should know about and get treatment for if you experience any similar symptoms to those.
- Chemical miscarriage
Generally considered a false pregnancy or a false positive pregnancy test report, chemical miscarriage in reality is a very early miscarriage that occurs at a time when you clearly do not know whether you are pregnant or not. The general cause of chemical miscarriage is chromosomal abnormalities, exposure to toxic chemicals, structural problems, and others.
2. Blighted Ovum
Also known as an anembryonic pregnancy, a blighted ovum is a situation that affects a woman in the first trimester and happens way earlier than you realize, even when you are not aware of the pregnancy. The situation includes no development of the embryo, but the signs and symptoms of pregnancy are there.
3. Missed miscarriage
The most heartbreaking scene is a missed miscarriage or a missed abortion that occurs on a fetus implant and fails to develop. It results in zero indication of how anything has gone wrong, but later in a doctor’s routine checkup, it is revealed that there is no heartbeat in the baby’s heart.
4. Complete miscarriage
A complete miscarriage refers to a situation where all the pregnancy tissues are expelled from the uterus. This miscarriage is characterized by heavy vaginal bleeding, severe pain, heavy blood clots, etc.
5. Incomplete miscarriage
The major difference between a complete and an incomplete miscarriage is the passing of the pregnancy tissue. Miscarriage is distinguished by the loss of some but not all pregnancy tissue. An ultrasound can tell the exact amount of tissue left behind that can be taken out with a minor surgical procedure called D&C.
While you are pregnant or are planning to be, the risks of miscarriage threaten your life but imagine the grief it leaves when it occurs. In order to be in safe hands, it is important for you to visit your doctor regularly and follow up on routine checks. For people residing in the area of the UAE, you can visit Dr. Elsa’s Women’s Obstetrics Healthcare in Dubai, offering pregnancy-related facilities and women’s health-related services.
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