Informatory Guide to Vaginal Yeast Infection | New Concept Clinic

Dr Elsa Gynaecologist in Dubai
3 min readJun 30, 2022
yeast infection

Happening to over 1 million women in the United States annually, vaginal yeast infection is very common. Though it is a very uncomfortable infection, a woman can experience the infection several times throughout her life.

A vaginal Yeast Infection is a fungal infection caused by a fungal yeast already present in our body called Candida. The fungal yeast can be found in the mouth, skin, throat, and gut. The condition is characterized by irritation, unusual discharge, and itching in the vagina and vulva.

Symptoms of vaginal yeast infection

Typical signs of a vaginal yeast infection:

  1. Itching in the area of the vagina and vulva.
  2. Vaginal redness and swelling.
  3. Burning sensations while you urinate.
  4. Thick and white vaginal discharge.
  5. Vaginal burning during intercourse.

Why does the infection occur?

There are a lot of reasons why vaginal yeast infection can be caused, of which the primary is the loss of chemical balance that multiplies the amount of candida. Apart from this, the others are:

  1. When you are on an antibiotic medication, typically treating any type of infection.
  2. When you are using hormonal contraceptives during pregnancy.
  3. If you have diabetes.
  4. If you have a weak immune system.
  5. If you are suffering from any disease, like HIV or AIDS.

Diagnosis and tests

The yeast infection is said to be diagnosed by your healthcare professional when you discuss the affected symptoms. A test is performed in which your healthcare provider collects a sample of the discharge and performs the test on it to check for the condition. The combination of symptoms and discharge helps in detecting the infection.

Treatments and management

The treatment of vaginal yeast infection can be done with antifungal creams, ointments, tablets, and other oral medications. If you have a yeast infection, the cure and treatment majorly depend on two factors: the severity of the infection and the method of treatment.

Mild infections can get better in a few days with over-the-counter treatments. However, severe and moderate yeast infections may take up to two weeks or more to get better.

Tips on how to prevent vaginal yeast infections?

Memorizing the words ``prevention is better than cure. There are several ways and tips you can follow to prevent the infection. A few lifestyle changes do wonders in preventing the condition from occurring.

  1. Avoid douching.
  2. Do not use feminine deodorants.
  3. Change wet clothes like bathing suits as soon as possible.
  4. Avoid using scented tampons and pads.
  5. Using water-based sexual lubricants

If you are someone who has a history of yeast infections or frequently gets infections, it is advised to watch out for the symptoms and contact your healthcare professional as soon as possible. Untreated infections can lead to several other problems and can take months to get properly cured. To safeguard yourself, make sure you follow all the directions of the doctor as said. To get the proper treatment and medication, you can contact Dr. Elsa, a Women’s Obstetrics & Gynaecology Specialist.



Dr Elsa Gynaecologist in Dubai

Dr Elsa , Best Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Dubai offers healthcare services for women